Friday, 29 September 2017

Urdu To English Word Glossary For Constitution Of India

  1. A’adaad: Numerals
  2. Aabaadi: Population
  3. Aaid karna: Imposition 
  4. Aain e Hind: Constitution of India
  5. Aain Saaz Majlis: Constituent Assembly
  6. Aain: Constitution
  7. Aala Qaazi : Justice (Judge)
  8. Aalamaani: Secular
  9. Aarzi: Acting one
  10. Aarzi Faesla: Decree
  11. Aazaadi: Freedom
  12. Aazaadi: Liberty
  13. Aburi: Interim
  14. Adaalaat e Aaliya: High Courts
  15. Adaalat e Aalia : High Court
  16. Adaalat e Diwaani: Civil Court
  17. Adaalat e Ijlaas: Sessions Court
  18. Adaalat e Taqsiim: Division Court
  19. Adaalat e Uzma: Supreme Court
  20. Adad: Numeral
  21. Adaliya: Judiciary
  22. Adl: Justice
  23. Aehad: Covenant
  24. Aehad lena: Affirm
  25. Aehl: Qaulified
  26. Aehliyat: Eligibility
  27. Aehliyat: Qualification
  28. Aelaan: Proclamation
  29. Aewaan e Awaam ke Mukallim: Speaker of House of People
  30. Aewaan e Awaam: Lok Sabha
  31. Ahkaam: Orders
  32. Amaliya: Executive
  33. Amiir: Chairman
  34. Aql: Dicretion 
  35. Araakeen e Qaumi Majlis: Members of Parliament
  36. Araakeen e Riyasati Majlis: Members of Legislative Assembly
  37. Asaliyat: Origin
  38. Asha’at: Text (Version)
  39. Atiya: Grant
  40. Atiyaat: Grants
  41. Awaam: People
  42. Awaami Jamhuriyat: Democratic Republic
  43. Awaami Mulazimat Wafaz: Public Service Commission
  44. Awwaliin Sam'aat: Original Jurisdiction
  45. Baahami Amal: Engagement
  46. Baaqi: Remainder
  47. Badaulat: Virtue
  48. Bainul Aqwaami: International
  49. Baldia (plural: Baldiyaat): Municipality
  50. Barkhaast: Disqualify
  51. Barkhaast: Impeach
  52. Behes: Discussion
  53. Be-qaaidgi: Irregularity
  54. Buniyaadi: Fundamental
  55. Daad-gaah ka Faesla: Award
  56. Daad-gaah: Tribunal
  57. Daaeraye kaar: Jurisdiction
  58. Daar ul Hukumat: Capital
  59. Daftar: Office (Work-place)
  60. Difa: Defence
  61. Diwaaliya: Insolvent
  62. Faazil: Graduate
  63. Faraaez: Duties
  64. Fareeq: Party (in Court)
  65. Fareeqeen: Parties (in Court)
  66. Faryaad: Appeal
  67. Faryaadi: Appelant
  68. Faryaadi Wakeel: Pleaders
  69. Farz: Duty
  70. Fehrist: Schedule
  71. Fii-Sad: Percent
  72. Ghaer e Bari: Undischarged
  73. Ghaer e Manqula: Immovale
  74. Ghizaaiyaat: Nutrition
  75. Haakim: Magistrate
  76. Haasil e qismat: Quotient
  77. Halaat: Conditions (Siturations)
  78. Halaf: Oath
  79. Halat: Condition (Situation)
  80. Hamaara hukm hae ke: Mandamus
  81. Hangaami Khazaana: Contingency Fund 
  82. Haq: Right
  83. Haquq: Rights
  84. Hasuul: Receipt
  85. Hatami: Final
  86. Hidaayaat: Directives
  87. Hidaayat: Directive
  88. Hind/ Bhaarat: India
  89. Hindi Asaliyat: Indian Origin
  90. Hissa e Tehriir: Paragraph
  91. Hudud: Territory
  92. Hukkaam: Magistrates
  93. Hukm: Order
  94. Hukumat: Government
  95. Hum mayaar: Confirmity
  96. Hume ittela di jaaye ke: Certiorari
  97. Ijlaas Multawi: Prorogue 
  98. Ijlaas: Session
  99. Ikhraajaat: Expenditure
  100. Ikhtetaam: Dissolution
  101. Ikhteyaari-Wafaz: Commission
  102. Ilzaami: Alleged
  103. Imtena'a: Stay
  104. Imtiyaaz: Privilege
  105. Imtiyaazaat: Privilages
  106. Indaraaje Fehrist: Registration
  107. Intekhaab: Election
  108. Intekhaabi Halqa: Territorial Constituency
  109. Intekhaabi Ijma: Electoral College
  110. Intekhaabi Ijma: Electorate
  111. Intekhaabi Wafaz: Election Commission
  112. Intezaami: Administrative
  113. Istelaahaat: Terminology
  114. Isteraaki: Socialist
  115. Istesna’a: Immunity
  116. Istesna’at: Immunities
  117. Ittehaad: Union
  118. Ittehaad: Unity
  119. Ittela e zer: Footnote
  120. Izaaf: Multiple
  121. Jaaidaad: Property 
  122. Jaamia: University
  123. Jaasusi: Counter Intelligence
  124. Jamhuriyat e Hind: Republic of India
  125. Jamhuriyat: Democracy
  126. Jamhuriyat: Republic
  127. Jurmaana: Penalty
  128. Kaarkhaana: Mill
  129. Kam karna: Remission 
  130. Karz lena: Borrowing 
  131. Karz se nijaat: Redemption (finance)
  132. Karz: Debt
  133. Kasar: Fraction
  134. Khaata: Account 
  135. Kharch: Expenditure
  136. Kharch: Expenditure 
  137. Khatm karna: Abolishtion 
  138. Khazaana: Fund 
  139. Khitaab karna: Address
  140. Khufiya Ma’alumaat: Intelligence
  141. Kis ikhteyaar se: Quo warranto
  142. Kul: Total
  143. La mehduud: No limitation
  144. Laazimi Haaziri: Quorum
  145. Likhit Hukm: Writ
  146. Ma’ashi: Economic
  147. Ma’ashri: Social
  148. Maal: Money 
  149. Maali Tajwiiz: Money Bill 
  150. Maaliyaati Saal: Financial Year
  151. Maaliyaati Tafsiil: Financial Statement
  152. Maaliyaati: Financial 
  153. Maazuul hona: Retire
  154. Madani: Civil
  155. Madani Zaabita: Civil Code
  156. Makhsuus: Ad Hoc
  157. Majmua Aewaan: Joint Assembly of both Houses
  158. Majmua Nashist: Joint Sitting 
  159. Majmui Khazaana: Consolidated Fund 
  160. Makhsusiyat (plural: Makhsusisyaat): Exception
  161. Makhsuus: Exclusive
  162. Mamnuhaat hae ke: Prohibition
  163. Manqula: Movable 
  164. Mansuukh: Repeal
  165. Mansuukhaat: Repeals
  166. Maqnia: Legislative
  167. Maqsuum: Dividend
  168. Mardam Shumari: Census
  169. Markazi Fehrist: Union List
  170. Masaawaat: Equality
  171. Mashwaraati-Wafaz: Committee
  172. Mawaselaat: Communication
  173. Maweshi Paalan: Animal Husbandry
  174. Mazaameen: Articles
  175. Mazmoon: Article
  176. Mehduud: Limited
  177. Mehkama Board
  178. Mehkama e Mo'tamadeen: Serectariat
  179. Mehkama: Department
  180. Mo’tamadeen: Secretaries
  181. Mo'atal: Suspend
  182. Mohr: Seal
  183. Mo'tamad: Secretary
  184. Mu'aahida: Treaty
  185. Mubham: Indefinite
  186. Muhaasib:Auditor
  187. Muhaasiba: Audit 
  188. Mujrimaana: Criminal
  189. Mukallim: Speaker
  190. Mukammal Faesla: Judgement
  191. Mukarrar karda: Nominated
  192. Mukarrar karna: Appoint
  193. Mukhaalifat: Defection
  194. Mulaazim: Servant
  195. Mulaazimat: Service
  196. Mulk: Country
  197. Mumlikat e Hind: Dominion of India
  198. Mumlikat: Dominion
  199. Munaafa: Emoluments
  200. Munaafe ka ohda: Office of profit
  201. Munaqqid: To Conduct
  202. Muntakhib: Elected
  203. Muntaqil: Transmitted 
  204. Muqtadiir: Sovereign
  205. Munshi: Clerk
  206. Mushtarka Fehrist: Concurrent List
  207. Mustanad: Authotitative
  208. Mustaqil: Permanent
  209. Mutaalba: Demand
  210. Mutawaqqo: Estimated
  211. Naaeb Amiir: Deputy Chairman
  212. Naaeb Mukallim: Deputy Speaker
  213. Naaeb: Deputy
  214. Naaeb: Vice
  215. Naagahaani atiya: Votes of credit
  216. Naagahaani Haalaat: Emergency/ Contingency
  217. Naagahaani Khazaana: Contingency Fund
  218. Naaib-Sadar e Jamhuriya: Vice-President
  219. Naajaaiz: Invalid
  220. Naazim o Muhaasib: Comptroller Auditor
  221. Naazim: Comptroller
  222. Naazim e Adaalat: Sherrif
  223. Naazimeen e Riyaasaat: Governors
  224. Nafaazat: Enactment
  225. Nashist Multawi: Adjourn 
  226. Nashist: Meeting
  227. Natija: Report
  228. Nazim e Riyaasat: Governor
  229. Nazim o Amir: Governor-General
  230. Nigrani: Superintendence
  231. Niji: Privy
  232. Nizaamat karna: Regulation 
  233. Nukut: Clause
  234. Ohda: Office
  235. Paighaam: Message
  236. Paighaamaat: Messages
  237. Pasmaanda Tabqa: Backward Class 
  238. Patti: Column
  239. Per Month: Mensem
  240. Peshgi atiya: Votes on account
  241. Pukhta: Solemn
  242. Qaabil: Qualified
  243. Qaabiliyat: Qualification
  244. Qaaeda: Act/ Rule
  245. Qaanuun-saaz Majlis: Legislature
  246. Qaasim: Divisor
  247. Qaazi e Aala: Chief Justice (High Court)
  248. Qaazi e Aazam: Chief Justice (Supreme Court)
  249. Qaazi e Zila: District Judge
  250. Qaazi: Judge
  251. Qaedi ko haazir kiya jaaye: Habeas Corpus
  252. Qanuun: Law
  253. Qaanuun-daan: Jurist
  254. Qaraardaad: Agreement
  255. Qaraardaad: Resolution
  256. Qasam: Swear
  257. Qaumi Majlis: Parliament
  258. Qaumi Naazim o Muhaasib: Comptroller and Auditor General
  259. Qaumi Nishaan: National Emblem
  260. Qaumi Parcham: National Flag
  261. Qaumi Taraana: National Anthem
  262. Qaumi Wakeel: Attorney-General
  263. Qawaaid: Acts/ Rules
  264. Qawaaniin: Laws
  265. Qazaat: Judges
  266. Qimat: Fees
  267. Raae Shumaari: Voting
  268. Raae: Vote
  269. Raazdaari: Secrecy
  270. Raqam: Amount 
  271. Raza: Assent 
  272. Riyaaasaat: States (political Divisions)
  273. Riyaasat Majaalis: State legislatures
  274. Riyaasat: State (political Division)
  275. Riyaasati Majlis: Legislative Assembly
  276. Riyaasati Majlis: State legislature
  277. Riyaasati Fehrist: State List
  278. Riyaasati Shura: Legislative Council
  279. Riyaasati Wakeel: Advocate General
  280. Rukn e Qaumi Majlis: Member of Parliament
  281. Rukn e Riyaasati Majlis: Member of Legislative Assembly
  282. Rukniyat: Membership
  283. Saalaanaa: Annual
  284. Saalis: Arbitary
  285. Saalmiyat: Integrity
  286. Sadaaqat naama: Certificate 
  287. Sadar e Jamhuriya: President
  288. Sadariyaat: Presidency
  289. Sadari Ahkaamaat: Ordinances
  290. Sadari Hukm: Ordinance
  291. Sana'at: Industry
  292. Sarkaar: State (as government)
  293. Sarkaari: Official
  294. Sehat: Validity
  295. Shaae karna: Publication
  296. Shakal: Form (shape)
  297. Sam’aat e Ukhra: Appellate Jurisdiction
  298. Sharaaet: Conditions
  299. Sharaah: Rate
  300. Shart: Condition
  301. Shehriyat: Citizenship
  302. Shiddat: Magnitude
  303. Shura e Riyaasaat ke Amiir: Chairman of Council of States
  304. Shura e Riyaasaat: Rajya Sabha
  305. Sifaarish: Recommendation 
  306. Sifaarishaat: Recommendations 
  307. Sikudta Khazaana: Sinking Fund
  308. Siyaasi Jama'at: Political Party
  309. Siyaasi: Political
  310. Suba: Province
  311. Sube/ Subaat: Provinces
  312. Suud: Interest Money
  313. Ta’auni: Co-operative
  314. Ta'adaad: Total
  315. Ta'aqiid: Injunction
  316. Taaziraati Zaabita: Penal Code
  317. Tabdiili karna: Alteration 
  318. Tabdiili (plural: tabaadil): Modification
  319. Tajwiiz: Bill
  320. Tajwizaat: Bills
  321. Takaazaat: Obligations 
  322. Takhmiina: Estimation
  323. Takhti: Table
  324. Tamheed: Preamble
  325. Tanaassubi Numaaindagi: Proportional Representation
  326. Tankhwaah: Allowances
  327. Taqaaza: Obligation 
  328. Taraamiin: Ammendments
  329. Tarjuma: Translation
  330. Tarmiim: Ammendment
  331. Tarteeb: Form (Manner)
  332. Tashriih: Interpretation
  333. Tauseeq: Endorsement 
  334. Tawasi: Extension
  335. Tehat: Under
  336. Tehriik: Motion
  337. Tehriir: Form (written)
  338. Tehriiri Nataaij: Reports (documents)
  339. Tehwiil: Custody (to hold) 
  340. Ujrat/ Tankhwaah: Salary
  341. Ujrat: Salary
  342. Ummidwaar: Candidate
  343. Usul: Principle
  344. Uukhuwwat: Fraternity
  345. Waahid Muntaqli Raae: Single Transferable Vote
  346. Wafaaqi Adaalat: Federal Court
  347. Wafaaqi: Federal
  348. Wakeel: Advocate
  349. Wakeel baraae faryaad: Pleader
  350. Wasaail: Resource
  351. Wazaahat: Definition
  352. Wazaahat: Explanation
  353. Wazaahat: Notification
  354. Wazaaif: Pensions
  355. Wazaarat: Cabinet
  356. Wazaarat: Council of Ministers
  357. Wazara: Ministers
  358. Wazifa:  Pension
  359. Wazir e Aala: Chief Minister
  360. Wazir e Aazam: Prime Minister
  361. Wazir: Minister
  362. Zamaanat: Guarantee 
  363. Zara'at: Agriculture
  364. Zarb: Tax 
  365. Zer: Under
  366. Zere ghaur: Pending 
  367. Zere-Markaz Ilaaqa: Union Territory
  368. Zere-Mauzu: Sub-paragraph
  369. Zere-Nukut: Sub-clause
  370. Zila Mehkama: District Board
  371. Zila: District
  372. Zimmedaar: Liable
  373. Zimmedaari lena: Undertake 
  374. Zimni: Incidental

The Union (Articles 99-100) in Urdu

Hind ka Markaz (Mazaameen 99-100)

Hissa V
Part V

The Union

Baab II.—Qaumi Majlis
Chapter II.—Parliament

Kaarwaahi ka tarze amal 
Conduct of Business

99. Araakeen ka halaf lena ya aehad karna.—
Oath or affirmation by members.—

Qaumi Majlis ke har rukn ko apna maqaam haasil karne se qabl, Sadar e Jamhuriya ke, ya kisi aese shakhs ke saamne jise Sadar e Jamhuriya ne is muttaliq mukarrar kiya ho, ek halaf leni hogi ya aehad karna hoga, oos tehriir ke mutaabiq jo is maqsad ke liye Tisri Fehrist me darj hae; 
Every member of either House of Parliament shall, before taking his seat, make and subscribe before the President, or some person appointed in that behalf by him, an oath or affirmation according to the form set out for the purpose in the Third Schedule.

100. Aewaan me raae shumaari, khaali maqaamaat ke baawajuud Aewaan ki kaarwaahi aur Aewaan ki laazimi haaziri.—
Voting in Houses, power of Houses to act notwithstanding vacancies and quorum.—

100(1). Is Aain me maujuud kisi digar gunjaaish ke siwa, kisi bhi Aewaan ki kisi bhi nashist ke ya Majmua Aewaan ki nashist me tamaam sawaalaat ke nataaij ka ta’ayyun haazir aur raae dene ko tayyaar araakeen ki raae ki aksariyat se hoga, lekin, raae shumaari me Mukallim ya, wo shakhs jo Amiir ya Mukallim ki haesiyat se maujuud ho, apni raae nahi de sakte. Amiir ya Mukallim, pehli martaba me apni raae nahi denge, lekin aesi haalat me jab raae shumaari ke nataaij baraabar ho jaaye tab, oonko ek faesla kun raae dene ka haq hoga aur oonhe ise istemaal karna hoga. 
Save as otherwise provided in this Constitution, all questions at any sitting of either House or joint sitting of the Houses shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting, other than the Speaker or person acting as Chairman or Speaker. The Chairman or Speaker, or person acting as such, shall not vote in the first instance, but shall have and exercise a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes.

100(2). Rukniyat me koi bhi khaali maqaam hone ke baawajuud Qaumi Majlis ke dono hi Aewaan ko kaarwaahi jaari rakhne ka ikhteyaar hoga, aur Qaumi Majlis ki kisi bhi kaarwaahi ke baad agar ye pata chalta hae ke koi shakhs jise kaarwaahi me maujuud hone ka ya raae dene ka ya digar kisi amal ka koi haq nahi tha aur tab bhi oos shakhs ne kaarwaahi me hissa liya tha, tou iske baawajuud bhi Qaumi Majlis ki wo kaarwaahi durust maani jaayegi.
Either House of Parliament shall have power to act notwithstanding any vacancy in the membership thereof, and any proceedings in Parliament shall be valid notwithstanding that it is discovered subsequently that some person who was not entitled so to do sat or voted or otherwise took part in the proceedings.

100(3). Jab tak ke Qaumi Majlis qaanuun ke zariye koi aur usul nahi bana deti tab tak, Qaumi Majlis ke kisi bhi Aewaan me nashist munaqqid kiye jaane ki laazimi haaziri oos Aewaan ke tamaam araakeen ke adad ki ek-dahaayi hogi.
Until Parliament by law otherwise provides, the quorum to constitute a meeting of either House of Parliament shall be one-tenth of the total number of members of the House.

100(4). Agar Aewaan ki kisi nashist ke dauraan kisi waqt laazimi haaziri nahi reh jaati tab, ye Amiir, Mukallim, ya aese shakhs jo oonki haesiyat se maujuud ho, inpar farz hoga ke wo Aewaan ko multawi kar de ya nashist ko oos waqt tak mo’atal kar de jab tak ke laazimi haaziri nahi ban jaati.
If at any time during a meeting of a House there is no quorum, it shall be the duty of the Chairman or Speaker, or person acting as such, either to adjourn the House or to suspend the meeting until there is a quorum.

Aain e Hind ki Tisri Fehrist

The Union (Articles 89-98) of India (Urdu)

Hind ka Markaz (Mazaameen 89-98)

Hissa V
Part V

The Union

Baab II.—Qaumi Majlis
Chapter II.—Parliament

Qaumi Majlis ke Afsaraan
Officers of Parliament

89. Shura e Riyaasaat ke Amiir aur Naaeb Amiir.—
The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Council of States.—

89(1). Hind ke Naaeb Sadar e Jamhuriya apne ohde ki bina par Shura e Riyaasaat ke Amiir honge.
The Vice-President of India shall be ex officio Chairman of the Council of States.

89(2). Shura e Riyaasat, jitni jald ho sake, apne araakeen me se kisi ek rukn ko Shura ke Naaeb Amiir chune, aur jab kabhi Naaeb Amiir ka ohda khaali ho, Shura apne arakeen me se kisi digar rukn ko Shura ke Naaeb Amiir chune. 
The Council of States shall, as soon as may be, choose a member of the Council to be Deputy Chairman thereof and, so often as the office of Deputy Chairman becomes vacant, the Council shall choose another member to be Deputy Chairman thereof.

90. Naaeb Amiir ka ohda khaali hona, oonka istefa dena, ya unki barkhaastgi.—
Vacation and resignation of, and removal from, the office of Deputy Chairman.—

Wo rukn jo Shura e Riyaasaat ke Naaeb Amiir ke ohde par faaez ho—
A member holding office as Deputy Chairman of the Council of States—

90(a). aur agar wo Shura ke rukn nahi rehte tou wo apna ye ohda bhi khaali karenge;
shall vacate his office if he ceases to be a member of the Council;

90(b). wo kisi bhi waqt, apne dastakhat ke tehat Amiir ko di gayi apni tehriir ke zariye, apne ohde se istefa de sakte hae; aur
may at any time, by writing under his hand addressed to the Chairman, resign his office; and

90(c). tou Shura oonko apne haazir araakeen ki aksariyat ke zariye qaraardaad manzur karke oonko oos ohde se hata sakta hae:
may be removed from his office by a resolution of the Council passed by a majority of all the then members of the Council:

Shart ye hae ke nukut (c) ke maqsad ke liye aesi koi bhi qaraardaad tab tak pesh nahi ki jaa sakti jab tak ke ooske qabl ek ittela jisme qaraardaad pesh karne ka iraada waazae kiya gaya ho aur oos ittela ko kam az kam chaudaah din ki muddat ki shart ke saath bheja nahi jaata.
Provided that no resolution for the purpose of clause (c) shall be moved unless at least fourteen days’ notice has been given of the intention to move the resolution.

91. Naaeb Amiir ya digar shakhs ko Amiir ke ohde ke faraaez anjaam dene ka, ya Amiir ki haesiyat se maujud hone ka ikhteyaar.—
Power of the Deputy Chairman or other person to perform the duties of the office of, or to act as, Chairman.—

91(1). Jab Amiir ka ohda khaali ho gaya ho, ya aese kisi waqt jab Naaeb Sadar e Jamhuriya Sadar e Jamhuriya ki haesiyat se maujuud hou, ya Naaeb Sadar e Jamhuriya, Sadar e Jamhuriya ke a’amaal ki takmeel kar rahe hou, tab onke ohde ke faraaez Naaeb Amiir ada karenge, ya, Naaeb Amiir ka ohda bhi khaali ho tou, tab Shura e Riyaasaat ka aesa rukn oon faraaez ko ada karega jise Sadar e Jamhuriya is maqsad ke liye mukarrar karenge.
While the office of Chairman is vacant, or during any period when the Vice-President is acting as, or discharging the functions of, President, the duties of the office shall be performed by the Deputy Chairman, or, if the office of Deputy Chairman is also vacant, by such member of the Council of States as the President may appoint for the purpose.

91(2). Shura e Riyaasaat ki kisi nashist me Amiir ki ghaer haaziri me Naaeb Amiir, Amiir ki haesiyat se maujuud rahenge, ya, Naaeb Amiir ki bhi ghaer haaziri ho tou, Shura ke tariqe ke qawaaid ke mutaabiq ta’ayyun kiya gaya koi shakhs Amiir ki haesiyat se maujuud rahega, ya, agar aesa koi shakhs bhi maujuud na ho tou, aesa koi aur digar shakhs jiska ta’ayyun Shura karde, Amiir ki haesiyat se maujuud rahega.
During the absence of the Chairman from any sitting of the Council of States the Deputy Chairman, or, if he is also absent, such person as may be determined by the rules of procedure of the Council, or, if no such person is present, such other person as may be determined by the Council, shall act as Chairman.

92. Amiir ya Naaeb Amiir oos waqt sadaarat nahi kar sakte jab oonko ohde se barkhaast karne ke liye qaraardaad madde nazar ho.—
The Chairman or the Deputy Chairman not to preside while a resolution for his removal from office is under consideration.—

92(1). Jab Naaeb Sadar e Jamhuriya ko oonke ohde se barkhaast karne ke liye qaraardaad madde nazar ho, tab Amiir majuud hone ke baawajuud bhi Shura e Riyaasaat ki kisi bhi nashist me sadaarat nahi kar sakte, aur Jab Naaeb Amiir ko oonke ohde se barkhaast karne ke liye qaraardaad madde nazar ho, tab Naaeb Amiir majuud hone ke baawajuud bhi Shura e Riyaasaat ki kisi bhi nashist me sadaarat nahi kar sakte, aur mazmoon 91 ke nukut (2) ke usul aesi har nashist par waesehi laagu honge jaese ye usul tab laagu hote hae jab Amiir ya Naaeb Amiir, jaesa bhi ma’amla hou, ghaer haazir hote hae. 
At any sitting of the Council of States, while any resolution for the removal of the Vice-President from his office is under consideration, the Chairman, or while any resolution for the removal of the Deputy Chairman from his office is under consideration, the Deputy Chairman, shall not, though he is present, preside, and the provisions of clause (2) of article 91 shall apply in relation to every such sitting as they apply in relation to a sitting from which the Chairman, or, as the case may be, the Deputy Chairman, is absent.

92(2). Jab Shura me Naaeb Sadar e Jamhuriya ko oonke ohde se barkhaast karne ke liye qaraardaad madde nazar ho, tab bhi Amiir ko Shura e Riyaasaat me bolne ka haq hoga, aur iske alaawa Shura e Riyaasaat ki karwaahi me bhi hissa lene ka haq hoga, lekin, mazmoon 100 ke kisi bhi pehlu ke baawajuud, oonko aesi qaraardaad ya kaarwaahi ke dauraan kisi bhi digar ma’amle par raae dene ka kat’an koi bhi haq nahi hoga.
The Chairman shall have the right to speak in, and otherwise to take part in the proceedings of, the Council of States while any resolution for the removal of the Vice-President from his office is under consideration in the Council, but, notwithstanding anything in article 100, shall not be entitled to vote at all on such resolution or on any other matter during such proceedings.

93. Aewaan e Awaam ke Mukallim aur Naaeb Mukallim.—
The Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House of the People.—

Aewaan e Awaam, jitni jald ho sake, apne araakeen me se do araakeen ko chune jinme se ek ko Aewaan ka Mukallim aur dusre ko Naaeb Mukallim chune, aur jab kabhi Mukallim ya Naaeb Mukallim ka ohda khaali ho, Aewaan apne arakeen me se kisi digar rukn ko Aewaan ka Mukallim ya Naaeb Mukallim chune, jaesa bhi ma’amla ho.
The House of the People shall, as soon as may be, choose two members of the House to be respectively Speaker and Deputy Speaker thereof and, so often as the office of Speaker or Deputy Speaker becomes vacant, the House shall choose another member to be Speaker or Deputy Speaker, as the case may be.

94. Mukallim aur Naaeb Mukallim ki oonke ohdo se ghaer haaziri, istefa aur baskhaastgi.—
Vacation and resignation of, and removal from, the offices of Speaker and Deputy Speaker.—

Wo rukn jo Aewaan e Awaam ke mukallim ya Naaeb Mukallim ke ohde par faaez ho—
A member holding office as Speaker or Deputy Speaker of the House of the People—

94(a). agar wo Aewaan e Awaam ke rukn nahi rehte tou wo apna ye ohda bhi khaali karenge;
shall vacate his office if he ceases to be a member of the House of the People;

94(b). wo kisi bhi waqt, agar wo Mukallim hae tou Naaeb Mukallim ko aur agar wo Naaeb Mukallim hae to Mukallim ko, apne dastakhat ke tehat di gayi apni tehriir ke zariye, apne ohde se istefa de sakte hae; aur
may at any time, by writing under his hand addressed, if such member is the Speaker, to the Deputy Speaker, and if such member is the Deputy Speaker, to the Speaker, resign his office; and

94(c). tou Aewaan e Awaam oonko apne haazir araakeen ki aksariyat ke zariye qaraardaad manzur karke oonko oos ohde se hata sakta hae:
may be removed from his office by a resolution of the House of the People passed by a majority of all the then members of the House:

Shart ye hae ke nukut (c) ke maqsad ke liye aesi koi bhi qaraardaad tab tak pesh nahi ki jaa sakti jab tak ke ooske qable ek ittela jisme qaraardaad pesh karne ka iraada waazae kiya gaya ho aur oos ittela ko kam az kam chaudaah din ki muddat ki shart ke saath bheja nahi jaata.
Provided that no resolution for the purpose of clause (c) shall be moved unless at least fourteen days’ notice has been given of the intention to move the resolution:

Mazid Shart ye bhi hae ke, jab bhi maujuda Aewaan e Awaam ka ikhtetaam ho jaata hae tou, Mukallim iktetaam ke baad ke Aewaan e Awaam ki pehli nashist ke fauran pehle tak apne ohde par qaayam rahenge.
Provided further that, whenever the House of the People is dissolved, the Speaker shall not vacate his office until immediately before the first meeting of the House of the People after the dissolution.

95. Naaeb Mukallim ya digar shakhs ko Mukallim ke ohde ke faraaez anjaam dene ka, ya Mukallim ki haesiyat se maujud hone ka ikhteyaar.—

Power of the Deputy Speaker or other person to perform the duties of the office of, or to act as, Speaker.—

95(1). Jab Mukallim ka ohda khaali ho gaya ho tab onke ohde ke faraaez Naaeb Mukallim ada karenge, ya, Naaeb Mukallim ka ohda bhi khaali ho tou, tab Aewaan e Awaam ka aesa rukn oon faraaez ko ada karega jise Sadar e Jamhuriya is maqsad ke liye mukarrar karenge.

While the office of Speaker is vacant, the duties of the office shall be performed by the Deputy Speaker or, if the office of Deputy Speaker is also vacant, by such member of the House of the People as the President may appoint for the purpose.

95(2). Aewaan e Awaam ki kisi nashist me Mukallim ki ghaer haaziri me Naaeb Mukallim, Mukallim ki haesiyat se maujuud rahenge, ya, Naaeb Mukallim ki bhi ghaer haaziri ho tou, Aewaan ke tariqe ke qawaaid ke mutaabiq ta’ayyun kiya gaya koi shakhs Mukallim ki haesiyat se maujuud rahega, ya, agar aesa koi shakhs bhi maujuud na ho tou, aesa koi aur digar shakhs jiska ta’ayyun Aewaan karde, Mukallim ki haesiyat se maujuud rahega.
During the absence of the Speaker from any sitting of the House of the People the Deputy Speaker or, if he is also absent, such person as may be determined by the rules of procedure of the House, or, if no such person is present, such other person as may be determined by the House, shall act as Speaker.

96. Mukallim ya Naaeb Mukallim oos waqt sadaarat nahi kar sakte jab oonko ohde se barkhaast karne ke liye qaraardaad madde nazar ho.—
The Speaker or the Deputy Speaker not to preside while a resolution for his removal from office is under consideration.—

96(1). Jab Mukallim ko oonke ohde se barkhaast karne ke liye qaraardaad madde nazar ho, tab Mukallim majuud hone ke baawajuud bhi Aewaan e Awaam ki kisi bhi nashist me sadaarat nahi kar sakte, aur Jab Naaeb Mukallim ko oonke ohde se barkhaast karne ke liye qaraardaad madde nazar ho, tab Naaeb Mukallim majuud hone ke baawajuud bhi Aewaan e Awaam ki kisi bhi nashist me sadaarat nahi kar sakte, aur mazmoon 95 ke nukut (2) ke usul aesi har nashist par waesehi laagu honge jaese ye usul tab laagu hote hae jab Mukallim ya Naaeb Mukallim, jaesa bhi ma’amla hou, ghaer haazir hote hae.
At any sitting of the House of the People, while any resolution for the removal of the Speaker from his office is under consideration, the Speaker, or while any resolution for the removal of the Deputy Speaker from his office is under consideration, the Deputy Speaker, shall not, though he is present, preside, and the provisions of clause (2) of article 95 shall apply in relation to every such sitting as they apply in relation to a sitting from which the Speaker, or, as the case may be, the Deputy Speaker, is absent.

96(2). Jab Aewaan e Awaam me Mukallim ko oonke ohde se barkhaast karne ke liye qaraardaad madde nazar ho, tab bhi Mukallim ko Aewaan e Awaam me bolne ka haq hoga, aur iske alaawa Aewaan e Awaam ki karwaahi me bhi hissa lene ka haq hoga, aur, mazmoon 100 ke kisi bhi pehlu ke baawajuud, oonko aesi qaraardaad ya kaarwaahi ke dauraan kisi bhi digar ma’amle par sirf pehli martaba hi raae dene ka haq hoga, lekin, raae shumaari ke natije me baraabari aa jaane ki haalat me onko apni raae dene ka haq nahi hoga.
The Speaker shall have the right to speak in, and otherwise to take part in the proceedings of, the House of the People while any resolution for his removal from office is under consideration in the House and shall, notwithstanding anything in article 100, be entitled to vote only in the first instance on such resolution or on any other matter during such proceedings but not in the case of an equality of votes.

97. Amiir, Naaeb Amiir, Mukallim aur Naaeb Mukallim ki ujrat aur tankhwaah.—

Salaries and allowances of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman and the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.—

Shura e Riyaasat ke Amiir aur Naaeb Amiir ko, aur Aewaan e Awaam ke Mukallim aur Naaeb Mukallim ko, aesi ujrat aur tankhwaah ada ki jaayegi jisi oonke ohdo ke lihaaz se Qaumi Majlis ne qaanuun ke zariye mutayyin kiya hoga, par jab tak is mutalliq koi usul nahi banaaya jaata, aesi ujrat aur tankhwaah wo hongi jo Dusri Fehrist me darj hae.
There shall be paid to the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Council of States, and to the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the House of the People, such salaries and allowances as may be respectively fixed by Parliament by law and, until provision in that behalf is so made, such salaries and allowances as are specified in the Second Schedule.

98. Qaumi Majlis ka Mehkama e Mo’tamadeen.—

Secretariat of Parliament.—

98(1). Qaumi Majlis ke har ek Aewaan ka apna alaahida amla e mo’tamadeen hoga:

Each House of Parliament shall have a separate secretarial staff:

Shart ye hae ke is nukut ke kisi bhi pehlu ke ye ma’ane nahi hae ke aese ohdo ka qayaam nahi kiya jaa sakta jo Qaumi Majlis ke dono Aewaan ke mutalliq kuch mushtaraqa ohde hou.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be construed as preventing the creation of posts common to both Houses of Parliament.

98(2). Qaumi Majlis qaanuun ke zariye, ooske ke kisi bhi Aewaan ke amla e mo’tamadeen me, kisi ohde par mukarrar kiye gaye shakhs ki mulaazimat ki sharaaet, aur oos amle me bharti ki nizaamat kar sakti hae.
Parliament may by law regulate the recruitment, and the conditions of service of persons appointed, to the secretarial staff of either House of Parliament.

98(3). Jab tak ke Qaumi Majlis nukut (2) ke tehat usul nahi bana deti, Sadar e Jamhuriya, Aewaan e Awaam ke Mukallim ya Shura e Riyaasaat ke Amiir ke saath, jaesa bhi ma’amla ho, oonke saath mashwara karke, Aewaan e Awaam ya Shura e Riyaasaat ke amla e mo’tamadeen, me bharti ki nizaamat aur ooske kisi ohde par mukarrar kiye gaye shakhs ki mulaazimat ki sharaaet, in dono ma’amlaat ke mutalliq qawaaid bana sakte hae, aur aese kisi banaaye gaye qaaede ka laagu hona, zere zikr nukut ke zariye banaaye gaye qaanuun ke usul ke tehat, hoga.
Until provision is made by Parliament under clause (2), the President may, after consultation with the Speaker of the House of the People or the Chairman of the Council of States, as the case may be, make rules regulating the recruitment, and the conditions of service of persons appointed, to the secretarial staff of the House of the People or the Council of States, and any rules so made shall have effect subject to the provisions of any law made under the said clause.

Aain e Hind ki Tisri Fehrist

Aain e Hind ki Chauthi Fehrist

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of India (Urdu)

Aain e Hind ki Chauthi Fehrist

Chauthi Fehrist
Fourth Schedule

[Mazaameen 4(1) aur 80(2)]
[Articles 4(1) and 80(2)]

Darje Zeel Takhti ki pehli patti me darj har ek Riyaasat ya Markaz ke Ilaaqe, inke Shura e Riyaasaat me ta’ayyun kiye gaye maqaamaat ke adad dusri patti me maksus Riyaasat ya Markaz ke Ilaaqe, jaesa bhi ma’amla ho, oonke naam ke saamne darj hae:
Allocation of seats in the Council of States To each State or Union territory specified in the first column of the following table, there shall be allotted the number of seats specified in the second column thereof opposite to that State or that Union territory, as the case may be:

Takhti Table

1. Aandhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh .………………...............…. 11

2. Telangaana Telangana .……………………….........................…. 7

3. Aasaam Assam....................................………………….….….…. 7

4. Bihaar Bihar..........................................………………..……...…. 16

5. Jhaarkhand Jharkhand …..……………......................….....……. 6

6. Goa Goa............................................………………………......….. 1

7. Gujarat Gujarat..........................................................….....………. 11

8. Haryaana Haryana..................................................………..…….. 5

9. Kerala Kerala.............................................................................….. 9

10. MadhyaPradesh Madhya Pradesh ………..………………… 11

11. Chhattisgad Chhattisgarh …………………….…………….… 5

12. Tamil Naadu Tamil Nadu ……………………..………......… 18

13. Maahaarashtra Maharashtra …………………….……..…... 19

14. Karnaataka
 Karnataka ……………..………………………… 12

15. Odisha Odisha……………………………………………….… 10

16. Punjaab Punjab ……………………………………………...… 7

17. Raajasthaan Rajasthan ………………………………….....…. 10

18. Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh ……………………………...…. 31

19. Uttaraakhand Uttarakhand …………………………………... 3

20. Maghribi Bangaal
 West Bengal ………………………..…. 16

21. Jammu aur Kashmiir
 Jammu and Kashmir …………..…… 4

22. Naagaland Nagaland ……………………………………...….. 1

23. Himaachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh …………………… 3

24. Manipur Manipur ………………………..……………….….... 1

25. Tripura
 Tripura ………………………......................…….…… 1

26. Meghaalaya Meghalaya …………………………..………… 1

27. Sikkim Sikkim ………………………………………………... 1

28. Mizoram
 Mizoram ……………..…………………………..… 1

29. Arunaachal Pradesh
 Arunachal Pradesh ………………….. 1

30. Dehli
 Delhi …………………………………………………….. 3

31. Puducherry Puducherry ………………………………….....… 1


Kul adad Total …………………………….....…………….……… 233

The Union (Articles 79-88) of India (Urdu)

Hind ka Markaz (Mazaameen 79-88)

Hissa V
Part V

The Union

Baab II.—Qaumi Majlis
Chapter II.—Parliament

Aam Mauzu

79. Qaumi Majlis ka qayaam.—
Constitution of Parliament.—

Markaz ke liye ek Qaumi Majlis hogi jo Sadar e Jamhuriya aur do Aewaan par mushtamil hogi, aur ye do Aewaan Shura e Riyaasaat aur Aewaan e Awaam ke naam se jaane jaayenge.
There shall be a Parliament for the Union which shall consist of the President and two Houses to be known respectively as the Council of States and the House of the People.

80. Shura e Riyaasaat ki banaawat.—

Composition of the Council of States.—

80(1). Shura e Riyaasaat me shaamil honge—
The Council of States shall consist of—

80(1a). nukut (3) ke usul ke mutaabiq Sadar e Jamhuriya ke mukarrar karda baara araaken; aur
twelve members to be nominated by the President in accordance with the provisions of clause (3); and

80(1b). Riyaasaat aur Markaz ke Ilaaqou ke numaainde jinki ta’adaad do sau adtiis se zyaada nahi hogi.
not more than two hundred and thirty-eight representatives of the States and of the Union territories.

80(2). Riyaasaat aur Markaz ke Ilaaqou ke numaaindo ke zariye jin maqaamaat ko bhara jaana hoga unki taqseem oon usul ke mutaabiq hogi jo is mutalliq Chauthi Fehrist me darj kiye gaye hae.
The allocation of seats in the Council of States to be filled by representatives of the States and of the Union territories shall be in accordance with the provisions in that behalf contained in the Fourth Schedule.

80(3). Nukut (1) ke zere-nukut (a) ke tehat, Sadar e Jamhuriya ke zariye jin araakeen ko muqarrar kiya jaana hae wo aese ashkhaas honge jo in sho’baat maslan:— Adab, Science, Fan aur Ma’ashri Khidmat me makhsus ilm ya amali tajurba rakhte hae.
The members to be nominated by the President under sub-clause (a) of clause (1) shall consist of persons having special knowledge or practical experience in respect of such matters as the following, namely:— Literature, science, art and social service.

80(4). Shura e Riyaasaat me har ek Riyaasat ke numaaindou ko oos Riyaasat ki Qaanuun Saaz Majlis ke muntakhib araakeen tanaassubi numaaindagi ke nizaam ke mutaabiq waahid muntaqli raae ke zariye muntakhib karenge.
The representatives of each State in the Council of States shall be elected by the elected members of the Legislative Assembly of the State in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote.

80(5). Shura e Riyaasaat me Markaz ke Ilaaqou ke numaaindo ko oos tariqe se chuna jaayega jaesa ke Qaumi Majlis qaanuun ke zariye mutayyin kare.
The representatives of the Union territories in the Council of States shall be chosen in such manner as Parliament may by law prescribe.

81. Aewaan e Awaam ki banaawat.—
Composition of the House of the People.—

81(1). Mazmoon 331 ke usul ke mutaabiq, Aewaan e Awaam me shaamil honge—
Subject to the provisions of article 331, the House of the People shall consist of—

81(1a). wo araakeen jinhe Riyaasaat ke intekhaabi halqou se bila-waasta intekhaab ke zariye chuna gaya ho aur jinke ta’adaad paan sau tiis araakeen se zyaada nahi hogi, aur 
not more than five hundred and thirty members chosen by direct election from territorial constituencies in the States, and

81(1b). Markaz ke Ilaaqou ke numaaindo ki ta’adaad biis araakeen se zyaada nahi hogi, aur oonhe oos tariqe se chuna jaayega jaesa ke Qaumi Majlis qaanuun ke zariye mutayyin kare.
not more than twenty members to represent the Union territories, chosen in such manner as Parliament may by law provide.

81(2). Nukut (1) ke zere-nukut (a) ke maqaasaid ke tehat, —
For the purposes of sub-clause (a) of clause (1),—

81(2a). Aewaan e Awaam me har ek Riyaasat ke liye kitne maqaamaat mutayyin kiye jaayenge wo is tariqe se honge, ke kisi Riyaasat ko ata kiye gaye maqaamaat ke adad aur oos Riyaasat ki abaadi ke adad ka jo tanaassub hoga, wo tanaassub tamaam Riyaasaat ke liye, amali aetebaar se, yaksaa hoga; aur 
there shall be allotted to each State a number of seats in the House of the People in such manner that the ratio between that number and the population of the State is, so far as practicable, the same for all States; and

81(2b). har ek Riyaasat ko is tariqe se intekhaabi halqou me taqsiim kiya jaayega ke hare k intekhaabi halqe ki abaadi ke adad aur ooske liye mutayyin kiye gaye maqaamaat ke adad ka jo tanaassub hoga, wo tanaassub mukammal Riyaasat me, amali aetebaar se, yaksaa hoga:
each State shall be divided into territorial constituencies in such manner that the ratio between the population of each constituency and the number of seats allotted to it is, so far as practicable, the same throughout the State:

Shart ye hae ke aesi kisi Riyaasat ki abaadi jab tak saathh laakh se zaaed nahi ho jaati tab tak Aewaan e Awaam me maqaamaat ke ta’ayyun ke maqsad ke liye is nukut ke zere-nukut (a) ke usul oos Riyaasat par laagu nahi honge.

Provided that the provisions of sub-clause (a) of this clause shall not be applicable for the purpose of allotment of seats in the House of the People to any State so long as the population of that State does not exceed six millions.

81(3). Is mazmoon ke tehat, “aabaadi” se muraad oos darj shuda abaadi ke honge jo pichhli aakhri mardam shumaari ke dauraan haasil kiye gaaye the jiske munaasib aakde shaae kar diye gaye hae: 
In this article, the expression “population” means the population as ascertained at the last preceding census of which the relevant figures have been published:

Shart ye hae ke is nukut ke hawaale me jab tak ke saal 2026 ke baad jo pehli mardam shumaari hogi uske munaasib aakde shaaye nahi kar diye jaate , tab tak pichhli aakhri mardam shumaari jiske mutalliq munaasib aakde shaae kiye jaa chuke hou se muraad, —
Provided that the reference in this clause to the last preceding census of which the relevant figures have been published shall, until the relevant figures for the first census taken after the year 2026 have been published, be construed, —

81(3-i). Nukut (2) ke zere-nukut (a) ke maqaasiid ke liye aur oos nukut ki sharaaet ke liye, 1971 ki mardam shumaari maani jaayegi; aur
for the purposes of sub-clause (a) of clause (2) and the proviso to that clause, as a reference to the 1971 census; and

81(3-ii). Nukut (2) ke zere-nukut (b) ke maqaasid ke liye, 2001 ki mardam shumaari maani jaayegi.
for the purposes of sub-clause (b) of clause (2) as a reference to the 2001 census.

82. Har mardam shumaari ke baad tarteeb e nau.—
Readjustment after each census.—

Har mardam shumaari ke mukammal ho jaane ke baad, Aewaan e Awaam me Riyaasaat ke maqaamaat ka ta’ayyun aur har Riyaasat ke intekhaabi halquo ki taqseem, in dono ki kisi tarteeb e nau kisi aese mehkame aur aese tariiqe se karaayi jaayegi jinhe Qaumi Majlis qaanuun ke zariye ta’e karegi:
Upon the completion of each census, the allocation of seats in the House of the People to the States and the division of each State into territorial constituencies shall be readjusted by such authority and in such manner as Parliament may by law determine:

Shart ye hae ke Aewaan e Awaam me numaaindagi par aesi tarteeb e nau tab tak koi asar nahi daalegi jab tak ke maujuda Aewaan ka ikhtetaam nahi ho jaata:
Provided that such readjustment shall not affect representation in the House of the People until the dissolution of the then existing House:

Mazid Shart ye hae ke aesi tarteeb e nau oos taarikh se laagu hogi, jise Sadar e Jamhuriya ne oonke hukm ke zariye waazae kiya hua ho aur jab tak aesi tarteebe nau laagu nahi ho jaati, Aewaan ke mutalliq kisi intekhaab ko aesi tarteeb e nau se qabl jo intekhaabi halqe maujuud the oonke mutalliq karaaye jaa sakte hae.
Provided further that such readjustment shall take effect from such date as the President may, by order, specify and until such readjustment takes effect, any election to the House may be held on the basis of the territorial constituencies existing before such readjustment:

Shart ye bhi hae ke jab tak saal 2026 ke baad jo pehli mardam shumaari ki jaayegi aur jab tak ooske munaasib aakde shaae nahi kar diye jaate, tab tak darje zeel tarteeb ki tarteeb e nau ki zarurat nahi hogi—
Provided also that until the relevant figures for the first census taken after the year 2026 have been published, it shall not be necessary to readjust—

82(i). 1971 ki mardam shumaari ki bina par Riyaasaat ke Aewaan e Awaam me maqaamaat ke ta’ayyun ki jo tarteeb ki gayi thi; aur
the allocation of seats in the House of People to the States as readjusted on the basis of the 1971 census; and

82(ii). is mazmoon ke tehat, 2001 ki mardam shumaari ki bina par har ek Riyaasat ki intekhaabi halqou me jo taqsiim ki jaayegi.
the division of each State into territorial constituencies as may be readjusted on the basis of the 2001 census, under this article.

83. Qaumi Majlis ke dono Aewaan ki muddat.—
Duration of Houses of Parliament.—

83(1). Shura e Riyaasaat ka ikhtetaam nahi ho sakta, lekin, is mutalliq Qaumi Majlis ke banaaye gaye qaanuun ke usul ke mutaabiq, jis had tak mumkim ho sake iske ek-tihaayi araakeen ko oonke do saal ki muddat mukammil ho jaane par maazul kar diya jaaye.
The Council of States shall not be subject to dissolution, but as nearly as possible one-third of the members thereof shall retire as soon as may be on the expiration of every second year in accordance with the provisions made in that behalf by Parliament by law.

83(2). Aewaan e Awaam ka, agar muddat poori hone ke pehle hi ikhtetaam nahi kar diya gaya ho tou, ooski pehli nashist ki taarikh se lekar agle paanch saal ki muddat tak barkaraar rahega lekin oosse zyaada nahi, aur paanch saal ki muddat poori hone ka matlab hoga maujuda Aewaan e Awaam ka ikhtetaam:
The House of the People, unless sooner dissolved, shall continue for five years from the date appointed for its first meeting and no longer and the expiration of the said period of five years shall operate as a dissolution of the House:

Shart ye hae ke, agar Naagahaani Haalaat ka Aelaan naafiz hae tou, Qaumi Majlis ke zariye ek waqt me Aewaan e Awaam ki ek saal muddat badhaayi jaa sakti hae, par kisi bhi ma’amle me Naagahaani Haalaat ka Aelaan ki nafaazat ke hata liye jaane ke baad, Aewaan e Awaam ki muddat chhe maah se zyaada nahi reh sakti.
Provided that the said period may, while a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation, be extended by Parliament by law for a period not exceeding one year at a time and not extending in any case beyond a period of six months after the Proclamation has ceased to operate.

84. Qaumi Majlis ki rukniyat ki aehliyat.—
Qualification for membership of Parliament.—

Koi shakhs Qaumi Majlis ke kisi maqaam ko bharne ke liye aehl tab hi ho sakta jab wo—
A person shall not be qualified to be chosen to fill a seat in Parliament unless he—

84(a). Hind ka shehri hou, aur jab oosne Intekhaabi Wafaz ki bina par ikhteyaar diye gaye kisi shakhs ke saamne halaf li ho ya aehad kiya ho, oos tehriir ke mutaabiq jo is maqsad ke liye Tisri Fehrist me darj hae; 
is a citizen of India, and makes and subscribes before some person authorised in that behalf by the Election Commission an oath or affirmation according to the form set out for the purpose in the Third Schedule;

84(b). Shura e Riyaasaat me maqaam ke ma’amle paitiis saal ki umar se kam na hou, aur Aewaan e Awaam me maqaam ke ma’amle me pachchiis saal ki umar se kam na hou; aur
is, in the case of a seat in the Council of States, not less than thirty years of age and, in the case of a seat in the House of the People, not less than twenty-five years of age; and

84(c). aesi digar aehliyaat rakhta hou jaesa ke is mutalliq Qaumi Majlis ne waazae kiya ho ya Qaumi Majlis ke banaaye gaye kisi qaanuun me wazaae hou.
possesses such other qualifications as may be prescribed in that behalf by or under any law made by Parliament.

85. Qaumi Majlis ke ijlaas, oonka multawi kiya jaana aur oonka ikhtetaam kiya jaana.—
Sessions of Parliament, prorogation and dissolution.—

85(1). Sadar e Jamhuriya waqt ba waqt, jaesa oonhe munaasib lage waese waqt aur maqaam par, Qaumi Majlis ke dono Aewaan ko nashist ke liye talab kar sakte hae, lekin pichle ijlaas ki akhri nashist aur agle ijlaas ki pehli nashist ki mukarrar ki gayi taarikh ke darmeyaan chhe maah se zyaada ka waqfa nahi hona chahiye.
The President shall from time to time summon each House of Parliament to meet at such time and place as he thinks fit, but six months shall not intervene between its last sitting in one session and the date appointed for its first sitting in the next session.

85(2). Sadar e Jamhuriya waqt ba waqt—
The President may from time to time—

85(2a). Dono Aewaan ya ek Aewaan ke ijlaas ko Multawi kar sakte hae;
prorogue the Houses or either House;

85(2b). Aewaan e Awaam ka ikhtetaam kar sakte hae.
dissolve the House of the People.

86. Sadar e Jamhuriya ka dono Aewaan ko khitaab karne ka aur oonke paighaamaat bhejne ka haq.—
Right of President to address and send messages to Houses.—

86(1). Sadar e Jamhuriya Qaumi Majlis ke kisi bhi Aewaan ya ek-saath Majmua Aewaan ko khitaab kar sakte hae, aur oos maqsad ke tehat araakeen ki haaziri zaruri hogi.
The President may address either House of Parliament or both Houses assembled together, and for that purpose require the attendance of members.

86(2). Sadar e Jamhuriya Qaumi Majlis ke kisi bhi Aewaan ko paighaamaat bhej sakte hae, chaahe koi tajwiiz ke mutalliq paighaam ho jo Qaumi Majlis me muntazir rakhi hui hou ya koi digar ma’amle ke mutalliq paighaam ho, aur jis Aewaan me aesa koi paighaam bheja gaya hae, tou jis ma’amle ke mutalliq wo paighaam ho, wo Aewaan oospar munaasib jaldi ke tehat ghaur o fikr karega.
The President may send messages to either House of Parliament, whether with respect to a Bill then pending in Parliament or otherwise, and a House to which any message is so sent shall with all convenient despatch consider any matter required by the message to be taken into consideration.

87. Sadar e Jamhuriya ka makhsuus khitaab.—
Special address by the President.—

87(1). Har aam intekhaab ke baad Aewaan e Awaam ke pehle Ijlaas ki shuruwaat me Sadar e Jamhuriya Aewaan e Awaam se khitaab karenge aur har saal ke pehle ijlaas ki shuruwaat me Sadar e Jamhuriya Qaumi Majlis ke ek-saath Majmua Aewaan se khitaab karenge aur Qaumi Majlis ko oske talab kiye jaane ki wajuhaat ki ittela denge.
At the commencement of the first session after each general election to the House of the People and at the commencement of the first session of each year the President shall address both Houses of Parliament assembled together and inform Parliament of the causes of its summons.

87(2). Aewaan ke tariqe ki nizaamat karte qaaide ke zariye usul banaaye jaane honge taake jin ma’amlaat ka zikr aese khitaab me uthaaya gaya ho, unpar kisi bhi Aewaan me behas karaaye jaane ke liye waqt ke ta’ayyunho sake.
Provision shall be made by the rules regulating the procedure of either House for the allotment of time for discussion of the matters referred to in such address.

88. Dono Aewaan ke mutalliq Wazara aur Qaumi Wakil ke haquq.—

Rights of Ministers and Attorney-General as respects Houses.— 

Har ek Wazir ko aur Hind ke Qaumi Wakil ko kisi bhi Aewaan me, Majmua Aewaan ki kisi bhi nashist me, aur Qaumi Majlis ke kisi Wafaz me jisme onhe ek rukn ki haesiyat se naam-zad kiya gaya ho, inme bolne ka haq hoga, aur iske alawaa inki kaarwaahi me hissa lene ka haq hoga, lekin is mazmoon ki bina par raae dene ka haq nahi hoga.
Every Minister and the Attorney-General of India shall have the right to speak in, and otherwise to take part in the proceedings of, either House, any joint sitting of the Houses, and any committee of Parliament of which he may be named a member, but shall not by virtue of this article be entitled to vote.
Aain e Hind ki Tisri Fehrist

Aain e Hind ki Chauthi Fehrist